Liberated and Intense Images for Liberated, Intense People

Oh The Places She'll Go - Kyanna's Senior Portrait

God, spring is really here and with it comes the dreaded Senior portrait.  I can still remember mine, cheesy background complete with a painted library filled with books. White cap and gown (our school colors were navy and light blue, WTF?), and a diploma in hand.  SILLY SILLY SILLY.  Well it seems like students are taking things into their own hands and hiring pros to create cutting edge stuff.  (enter me).  I did my amazing beautiful niece, Abby's, senior portrait a few years back and it was good practice, but now I think I'm ready for the big time.  Here area few of the lovely Kyanna, and a few of her mom too.  

This shoot was totally a blast because Kyanna really wanted something less traditional and was willing to take some risks.

Although I did manage to talk her into a few traditional shots too, just in case.
