Liberated and Intense Images for Liberated, Intense People

Another Goof Booth...Finally

To be honest, the Goof Booth is something that I borrowed from many other photographers.  It's really a mock photo booth, but with TONS of room to pile in folks.  But after seeing so many, I really wanted to make my "different".  So I added tons of very adult like props, and when I began to edit my first one, I came up with a secret formula in post production to give it a very hard edge.  My friend Megan, back in LA, helped me come up with the name (which is being trademarked at this moment) and my Goof Booth was born.  But selling it has not been easy.  It's  A LOT of work, but a TON of fun not only for my clients but for me as well.  I feel like anyone can take a photo of someone in front of a backdrop with a strobe, but the goal is really to bring out the "idiot, silly, crazy, nut job" in everyone and get it on film.  Especially when they aren't really paying attention.  I'm currently running a special through October. Please contact me for more info.

Below is a Goof Booth I did last weekend for Kaithlyn and Jackson's wedding.  It was a friggin' ball!  I laughed the entire time I shot it.
