Liberated and Intense Images for Liberated, Intense People

Headin' on down to Cambridge - Maya and Jason's Engagement

I love taking my clients to places they have never heard of.  I also love to eat.  So I thought that would be a good place to start when I met Maya and Jason for their engagement session a few months back.  Starting an engagement session is always tricky.  It's really like a first date.  Everyone is nervous, including me.  Even the questions that come up are like a first date.  "What do you want to do?  Do you want to grab a bite to eat?  Tell me more about yourselves"  etc etc.  I like to start out with lunch or even dinner.  It seems to lighten the mood for all of us.  And so that's what we did.  Lunch at Four Burger (which is amazing btw) and then we just walked around, got to know one another a bit better and when the moment was right, I start snapping away.